Over 15 years, we received awards for efficient management of Vilnius district heating sector, based on modern management principles, and environmentally friendly projects.
Power plant and boiler station environmental and management system was awarded with ISO 14001:2005 international environmental standard
The management system awarded by the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists has insured pollution prevention at the company and regular improvement of environmental protection.
Author of appreciation
Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists
Krištolinis kaminas (Chrystal Chimney) award
Krištolinis kaminas (Chrystal Chimney) award, established by the Lithuanian Environmental Investment Fund, was awarded to the company in recognition for absolute pollution reduction (in light of production changes in 2005 to 2007).
Author of appreciation
Lithuanian Environmental Investment Fund
Award of the Product of the Year
A smoke recirculation system was installed at the second Vilnius power plant, allowing lower emission of nitric oxides. The project has further involved installation of automatic control of boiler.
Author of appreciation
Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists
Vilnius, relying on district heating, was recognised as one of most efficient cities in the world
Vilnius was recognised as a model city based on scale and efficiency of district heating supply. The capital city now ranks among 45 other champion cities in the world.
Author of appreciation
UN Environmental Protection programme, study on supply of district heating in urban areas
First prize in the prestigious Maintenance Excellence maintenance awards
The award was established for a unique methodology of assessment of critical level of tangible assets: GIS (geographic information system) and CMMS (computerized maintenance management system) were installed.
Author of appreciation
EuroMaintenance international conference held in Athens